Buy, Sell, or Earn Second Life L$!

segunda-feira, 11 de março de 2013

I'll take this post to talk about Role-play, Urban Role-play there are many cities on Second Life.
I will talk about three:
   - City of Meridian
   - City of Perdition
   - Thornton Ridge City

I chose these three because they have completely different themes, I will start with City of Meridian.

City of Meridian is a city based in New Mexico. It will allow you guys more freedom, and role-play opportunities, where you can be Principal, Teachers & Bus Drivers, Children (Child Avs, yes) or Families, Firefighters, Sheriffs Deputies, RP Business owners (Rent Free unless you make your own.), Pilots, Strip Club Employees, Homeless, Public Works. Farmer, Criminal & more!

Yeah.. PILOTS, Meridian allows the flying and maneuvering of Aircrafts however, you must be a licensed pilot. This -DOES NOT- mean you can FLY ANYTHING. Limited to  Small aircrafts, such as a Cessna or two-person helicopters.  We do not allow commercial jetliners, 747's, Fighter jets, or Black Hawk helicopters. 

If you are seen flying any of the restricted (or bigger) you will be jailed for (awhile) or even banned, two days.

If you are gang leader or even a-part of a gang, Meridian Staff encourage them. But first of all this is how they do it. Gangs find their "hideouts" but don't pay rent on said "hideout" because what gang follows rules, right?

So this way, if you capture a "gang hideout" you claim it, until another gang comes along to have a shootout. 

Another good this is that a new bank is coming into meridian, in which, criminals, will be able to rob "real" L$ from it! 

Don't get too excited, not that much and not that often does it work!

Join Meridian here!


City of Perdition, a once bustlin moderm-day urban role-play with a paragraph role-play centric player-base has now transitioned ownership oncea gain and has taken on an entirely new theme. The new 1920′s based role-play environment remains under construction and currently utilizes an array of prefabricated builds to accomplish their goal of a period-looking role-play environment.
Known as Shady Falls, is an urban sim with an emphasis on ethnic neughborhoos and prohibition. A paragraph roleplay focusin on the interactions of an immigrant community in the samll but growing city.

You can have a roleplay as:

     -  Jew - "Underrated and mostly thought harmless, the gold bricks in the streets of Shady Fall's richest section are cemented with anything but mecheieh and nachas. The overall goal of the organization would be the promotion of wealth and happiness for all that encompass its ranks. That being said, that goal is sought as a community and is undertaken at any cost; price being coin or blood."

      - Chinese - "The Chinese in Shady Falls are the last of the great wave of immigrants to hit the shores of the United States. Insular and secretive, they tend to keep their personal lives to themselves and their fellow Chinese. But the business of Chinatown is pleasure...the lucrative trade in flesh and drugs and gambling."

     - Black - "The black population of Shady Falls is diverse. The residents range from poor blacks migrating from the restrictions of Jim Crow laws in the deep south to an educated, cultured elite congregating in the shadow of America's most prestigious historically black college, Spelhouse University--located ten miles outside of Shady Falls in idyllic Hampshire (fictional), Virginia."

     - Italian - "The Italian section of the city, known as La Citta officially, is populated by immigrants (or the children of immigrants) from Italy.

La Citta is a middle-class section of the city.   A large number of it's residents are a considerably more established than the Irish and Chinese. The spirit of entrepreneurship has afforded the Italians a strong foothold in their new home. However, money is a constant struggle and issue here.  The streets are filled with vendors and children and convenient to the nearby Boardwalk and the wealthier parts of town.  The Italians are close-knit.  At any given time the billiard's club might be filled with men and women chatting or socializing might be taking place at the bakery nearby. "

     - Irish - "Most of the residents of the Irish section of the city, known as The Meadows officially or 'potato alley' are the children of immigrants or immigrants themselves. 

The Meadows is one of the poorest sections of the city. The streets twist and dark alleys abound. By all accounts it is considered a slum.  Choose The Meadows wisely if it is a wealthy character you wish to play as he/she will stick out like a sore thumb in this neck of the woods." 

Join Shady Falls here!


Thornton Ridge City

"Among the shining stars of the 19th century gold and silver rushes in Colorado was the city of Thornton Ridge.  Tucked into a valley between mountains rich with precious ore the town boomed and bustled for decades as mining companies riddled the land around it with tunnels and caverns harvesting a crop that filled the pockets of investors but left the earth wounded and barren.
The veins of gold and silver were slowly drained of their treasure and soon after the life blood of Thornton Ridge faded as well.  For many years the town slumbered between the mountains subsisting on a rural economy crippled by the ravages of mining and a tourist industry that never quite got off the ground.  Old timers dreamed of past glories while most young folk moved on to greener pastures.
Then several years ago Thornton Ridge began to reawaken. It was rumored that gold or silver had been rediscovered in the abandoned mines but muted whispers suggested something else.  Nevertheless the town that Grant Thornton founded many years ago is coming to life again.
It is a different life from its origins though the shady dealings of mining operations only seem to have been replaced by a new criminal element not quite discerned by the locals. But beneath the snowy hood of Grant Mountain the tunnels once alive with the sounds of pick axes and rolling carts echo with new sounds.  Thornton Ridge has been given new life.  But just what sort of life remains to be seen."
I've been playing here for a while, it looks nice and have a lot of hideouts, new themed houses and many roads, the staff is awesome for me it's five stars, the best in Second Life.
"There’s no win or lose in Thornton Ridge, just the voices of the living. Just their stories."
Join Thornton Ridge City here!

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