Buy, Sell, or Earn Second Life L$!

domingo, 24 de março de 2013

In business since end of 2007, VirWoX is today the the leading independent exchange for trading virtual currencies, both in terms number if users (about 74,000), and trading volume (2010: 10 million Euro / 14 million US$).

Currencies traded are Linden Dollars (the virtual currency used in Second Life), Avination's C$, and the Open Metaverse Currency (OMC). In April 2011, VirWoX started accepting Bitcoin and enabled to trade bitcoins for Linden Dollars (both ways), which are in turn convertible to EUR, USD, GBP, CHF, and the other virtual currencies traded on VirWoX.

Other payment methods (deposit and withdrawal) include PayPal, Credit/Debit Cards via Skrill/Moneybookers, NETELLER, paysafecard,, and bank transfers.
VirWoX is run by the company Virtual World Services GmbH, which is located in Austria. The service is available in five languages (English, German, French, Spanish, Italian).

Bitcoin (BTC) is a decentralized digital currency based on an open-source, peer-to-peer internet protocol. It was introduced by a pseudonymous developer named Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009.
Internationally, bitcoins can be exchanged by personal computer directly through a wallet file or a website without an intermediate financial institution. In trade, one bitcoin is subdivided into 100 million smaller units called satoshis, defined by eight decimal places.
Bitcoin does not operate like typical currencies: it has no central bank and it solely relies on an internet-based peer-to-peer network. The money supply is automated, limited, divided and scheduled, and given to servers or "bitcoin miners" that verify bitcoin transactions and add them to an archived transaction log every 10 minutes. The log is authenticated by ECDSA digital signatures and verified by the intense process of bruteforcing SHA256 hash functions of varying difficulty by competing "bitcoin miners." Transaction fees may apply to new transactions depending on the strain put on the network's resources. Each 10-minute portion or "block" of the transaction log has an assigned money supply. The amount per block depends on how long the network has been running. Currently, 25 bitcoins are generated with every 10-minute block. This will be halved to 12.5 BTC during the year 2017 and halved continuously every 4 years after until a hard limit of 21 million bitcoins is reached during the year 2140.
Bitcoin is the most widely used alternative currency. As of March 2013, the monetary base of bitcoin is valued at over $500 million USD. The large fluctuation in the dollar value of a bitcoin has evoked criticism of bitcoin's economic suitability as a currency.

How to buy bitcoins
With Linden Dollars

After you have opened an account, deposit the Linden Dollars (SLL) at one of the in-world terminals in Second Life.
Then log in on the VirWoX website and enter an order to buy BTC on the "Exchange BTC/SLL" page. Depending on the type of order (Market or Limit), this will convert the Linden Dollars to BTC immediately or at some later time.
Finally use the "Withdraw" page to send the BTC to a Bitcoin address. You can also use VirWoX as a eWallet and keep your BTC there for later use.

How to sell bitcoins

After your have opened an account, go to the "Deposit" page, scroll down to the "Bitcoin" section and click on the "Create my Bitcoin address" button. This will create a unique bitcoin address associated with your account. You then send the bitcoins you wish to sell to this address. As soon as the bitcoin network has confirmed the payment (5 blocks), the bitcoins are booked to your account, and an email is sent to you.

For Linden Dollars

To exchange bitcoins to Linden Dollars, go to the page "Exchange BTC/SLL", and enter an order to sell your bitcoins. Depending on your order (Market or Limit), this will be executed instantly or at some later time. You may then withdraw the Linden Dollars to your Second Life avatar or continue.


VirWoX charges 50 SLL (currently about 0.02 BTC) plus 2.9% for BTC/SLL market orders. The fee for limit orders depends on the previous trading volume of the account, and varies between 0.78% and 3.9%[4].
VirWoX charges 0.02 BTC for BTC withdrawals. Deposits in BTC are free.

- VirWox
- Bitcoin

You can buy your Linden Dollars right here on your right!

quarta-feira, 20 de março de 2013

"Blender is a free and open-source 3D computer graphics software product used for creating animated films, visual effects, interactive 3D applications or video games. Blender's features include 3D modeling, UV unwrapping, texturing, rigging and skinning, fluid and smoke simulation, particle simulation, soft body simulation, animating, match moving, camera tracking, rendering, video editing and compositing. It also features a built-in game engine."

or, as I like to say, you can create mesh.
Mesh is the capability to bring 3D models, known as meshes, created in third-party tools into Second Life.
mesh is a bunch of vertices, edges, and faces that define a 3D shape, usually made in a program external to SL (Blender), although there are in-world gadgets that allow one to convert prims to mesh (these do use an external program as part of the process as well).
It's easy to create your object, you start with a Box, then you create more faces, edges or vertices Together, they can combine to make models that look like this!

You can download Blender here and learn more with me you know where to find me or if you prefer e-mail me.

quinta-feira, 14 de março de 2013

Hello guys, do you remember my post about a soccer system in-world? I hope you do.
Well i am getting into this project and i am creating one team, you may have already  heard about Fenerbahçe Spor Kulübü, if you don't i am leaving  the link here.
The team is called Fenerbahçe Spor Kulübü Second Life and we need 9 players but i hope get some more.
I would like to have you on this project... so... if you want to be a soccer player just contact me in-world, if you don't contact me anyway so i can convince you to be...

Let's score some goals!

segunda-feira, 11 de março de 2013

Lonsdale Boxing is a boxing system in Second Life, you just have to pay the gloves, it's around 150L$, and in the same pack you will find the HUD, it's simple to use, just attach the HUD, touch and when it turns to green you are ready to fight, To fight you use the arrows, when you get out of the ring, you just was knocked out and you lose after three Knock outs or, to win without knock outs you must have more points of the three rounds.

To join to this awesome system click here!

I'll take this post to talk about Role-play, Urban Role-play there are many cities on Second Life.
I will talk about three:
   - City of Meridian
   - City of Perdition
   - Thornton Ridge City

I chose these three because they have completely different themes, I will start with City of Meridian.

City of Meridian is a city based in New Mexico. It will allow you guys more freedom, and role-play opportunities, where you can be Principal, Teachers & Bus Drivers, Children (Child Avs, yes) or Families, Firefighters, Sheriffs Deputies, RP Business owners (Rent Free unless you make your own.), Pilots, Strip Club Employees, Homeless, Public Works. Farmer, Criminal & more!

Yeah.. PILOTS, Meridian allows the flying and maneuvering of Aircrafts however, you must be a licensed pilot. This -DOES NOT- mean you can FLY ANYTHING. Limited to  Small aircrafts, such as a Cessna or two-person helicopters.  We do not allow commercial jetliners, 747's, Fighter jets, or Black Hawk helicopters. 

If you are seen flying any of the restricted (or bigger) you will be jailed for (awhile) or even banned, two days.

If you are gang leader or even a-part of a gang, Meridian Staff encourage them. But first of all this is how they do it. Gangs find their "hideouts" but don't pay rent on said "hideout" because what gang follows rules, right?

So this way, if you capture a "gang hideout" you claim it, until another gang comes along to have a shootout. 

Another good this is that a new bank is coming into meridian, in which, criminals, will be able to rob "real" L$ from it! 

Don't get too excited, not that much and not that often does it work!

Join Meridian here!


City of Perdition, a once bustlin moderm-day urban role-play with a paragraph role-play centric player-base has now transitioned ownership oncea gain and has taken on an entirely new theme. The new 1920′s based role-play environment remains under construction and currently utilizes an array of prefabricated builds to accomplish their goal of a period-looking role-play environment.
Known as Shady Falls, is an urban sim with an emphasis on ethnic neughborhoos and prohibition. A paragraph roleplay focusin on the interactions of an immigrant community in the samll but growing city.

You can have a roleplay as:

     -  Jew - "Underrated and mostly thought harmless, the gold bricks in the streets of Shady Fall's richest section are cemented with anything but mecheieh and nachas. The overall goal of the organization would be the promotion of wealth and happiness for all that encompass its ranks. That being said, that goal is sought as a community and is undertaken at any cost; price being coin or blood."

      - Chinese - "The Chinese in Shady Falls are the last of the great wave of immigrants to hit the shores of the United States. Insular and secretive, they tend to keep their personal lives to themselves and their fellow Chinese. But the business of Chinatown is pleasure...the lucrative trade in flesh and drugs and gambling."

     - Black - "The black population of Shady Falls is diverse. The residents range from poor blacks migrating from the restrictions of Jim Crow laws in the deep south to an educated, cultured elite congregating in the shadow of America's most prestigious historically black college, Spelhouse University--located ten miles outside of Shady Falls in idyllic Hampshire (fictional), Virginia."

     - Italian - "The Italian section of the city, known as La Citta officially, is populated by immigrants (or the children of immigrants) from Italy.

La Citta is a middle-class section of the city.   A large number of it's residents are a considerably more established than the Irish and Chinese. The spirit of entrepreneurship has afforded the Italians a strong foothold in their new home. However, money is a constant struggle and issue here.  The streets are filled with vendors and children and convenient to the nearby Boardwalk and the wealthier parts of town.  The Italians are close-knit.  At any given time the billiard's club might be filled with men and women chatting or socializing might be taking place at the bakery nearby. "

     - Irish - "Most of the residents of the Irish section of the city, known as The Meadows officially or 'potato alley' are the children of immigrants or immigrants themselves. 

The Meadows is one of the poorest sections of the city. The streets twist and dark alleys abound. By all accounts it is considered a slum.  Choose The Meadows wisely if it is a wealthy character you wish to play as he/she will stick out like a sore thumb in this neck of the woods." 

Join Shady Falls here!


Thornton Ridge City

"Among the shining stars of the 19th century gold and silver rushes in Colorado was the city of Thornton Ridge.  Tucked into a valley between mountains rich with precious ore the town boomed and bustled for decades as mining companies riddled the land around it with tunnels and caverns harvesting a crop that filled the pockets of investors but left the earth wounded and barren.
The veins of gold and silver were slowly drained of their treasure and soon after the life blood of Thornton Ridge faded as well.  For many years the town slumbered between the mountains subsisting on a rural economy crippled by the ravages of mining and a tourist industry that never quite got off the ground.  Old timers dreamed of past glories while most young folk moved on to greener pastures.
Then several years ago Thornton Ridge began to reawaken. It was rumored that gold or silver had been rediscovered in the abandoned mines but muted whispers suggested something else.  Nevertheless the town that Grant Thornton founded many years ago is coming to life again.
It is a different life from its origins though the shady dealings of mining operations only seem to have been replaced by a new criminal element not quite discerned by the locals. But beneath the snowy hood of Grant Mountain the tunnels once alive with the sounds of pick axes and rolling carts echo with new sounds.  Thornton Ridge has been given new life.  But just what sort of life remains to be seen."
I've been playing here for a while, it looks nice and have a lot of hideouts, new themed houses and many roads, the staff is awesome for me it's five stars, the best in Second Life.
"There’s no win or lose in Thornton Ridge, just the voices of the living. Just their stories."
Join Thornton Ridge City here!

Hello there, i am here to announce you the new soccer system on Second Life, VE-Soccer.
This project brings to you the most realistic soccer techniques, the registration on this system is free and will be forever, says their website, You can join to a club team or/and to a national team at your own choice. The only thing you have to pay, if you want, is one membership by one year of 1000L$ plus 500L$ if you want to create your own club team or national team.

The project is still in beta version and is currently under development, so you are still on time to be one of the first ones. If you would like to play for a team or creating your own, dont hesitate to join to VE-Soccer  community.

Second Life is an online virtual world developed by Linden Lab. It was launched on June 23, 2003. A number of free client programs, or Viewers, enable Second Life users, to interact with each other through avatars (Also called Residents). Residents can explore the world (known as the grid), meet other residents, socialize, participate in individual and group activities, and create and trade virtual property and services with one another. Second Life is intended for people aged 16 and over.
Built into the software is a three-dimensional modeling tool based on simple geometric shapes that allows residents to build virtual objects. There is also a procedural scripting language, Linden Scripting Language, which can be used to add interactivity to objects.Sculpted prims (sculpties), mesh, textures for clothing or other objects, animations, and gestures can be created using external software and imported. The Second Life Terms of Service provide that users retain copyright for any content they create, and the server and client provide simple digital rights management functions.

Developer(s): Linden Research, Inc

Engine:  -Proprietary, free, and open source software

                -Physics: Havok 7 and 10 (beta)
                -Audio: FMOD

Platform(s): -Microsoft Windows

                            -Windows XP SP2 and SP3
                            -Windows Vista
                            - Windows 7
                       -Mac OS X (10.4.11 or higher)
                       -Linux i686 x86-64

Release date(s):    June 23, 2003

Media/distribution: Download